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Surviving lockdown - in 1602

The Librarian’s Wife reveals how she survived lockdown - in 1602 Good day, gentle reader, and welcome to my fireside. Goodness me, where...

Shakespeare's Oxford

I'm delighted to launch Oxford's first-ever authentically-spoken Shakespearian costumed walking tour of the places Will Shakespeare knew...

Shakespeare's landlady finally speaks

Did Shakespeare enjoy extra dough balls with his pizza? Or cake on his birthday? Don't ask me - ask his landlady. Ann Underhill of the...

Is happiness 'e.g'-shaped?

How a good egg-zample helps our visitors to love our venues I love to hear examples. It’s how I learn best. And here’s a great example....

The forbidden marriage...

This heart-shape was born in the Bodleian Library reading rooms. I was researching Thomas James, Bodley’s first Librarian in 1598 - and I...

10 best VividPast moments of 2017

1. ...being the Queen of Goddesses (what's not to love?) in front of Shakespeare's Globe. My day-as-a-goddess was at the invitation of...

'the past came alive tonight'

"Such a wonderful experience that I will always remember. Incredible research – it is brilliant to see such in-depth research into...

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